Camp Commander Welcome

 To all visitors to this page, Welcome! As Commander of Jefferson Davis Camp 635 SCV, I invite you to learn about our organization’s purpose and, if you find that you qualify for membership and would like to join us in honoring and preserving the memory of our Confederate ancestors, I invite you to contact the Camp webmaster via e-mail to obtain an application.


As you can see from details on the "Who and What..." page, the Camp is involved in a number of activities, all of which are interesting and enjoyable.

Sandy Jackson

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Who and What is Camp 635?

Membership:  Camp 635 currently has about 180 members making it one of the largest camps in the entire SCV Confederation.  

Meetings:  Camp meetings are held monthly on the fourth Monday evening beginning at 6:00 pm.  Programs are historical in nature and are focused on the 1861-1865 period. Specific topics within this focus are diverse, including social history, military leaders, battles, political issues and civilian life.  The regular meeting location was changed in December 2018; the camp now meets at the Masonic Lodge in Madison.  Click here to see map of location. 

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Current Camp Officers:



Sandy Jackson

*1st Lt. Commander


Joe Tubb

*2nd Lt. Commander


Chris Boothe

*3rd Lt. Commander


Tom Lord



Darin Panell

Judge Advocate


Dan Duggan

Publications Officer


Wayne Anderson



Rev. Glenn D. Shows



Kevin Davis

Medical Officer


Dr. Bill Howard



Phil Kelly

Peter Miazza

Camp Musicians


Rick Richardson

Murry Stewart

Joe Tubb

Jerry Brooks

Wayne Anderson



Bob Davidson

Color Sergeants


Ricky Haynes & Chris Boothe

Executive Committee


Mike Rodgers

Dan Duggan

Wayne Anderson

Grady Howell

Peter Miazza

Bill Lee

Ted Hartley

George Smith

Bert Green

Emmett Eaton Randy Rogers

*Plus the officers above

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Activities:  Both short- and long-term activities are undertaken by the camp, including:

contributing funds for conservation of deteriorated Confederate battleflags held in the artifacts collection of the State Dept. of Archives and History (this effort began in 1998 as a camp-only project but was expanded to become a division project);  

Restored 2nd Miss. flag at Beauvoir

Shown above is the conserved 2nd Mississippi battleflag on display at Beauvoir.

joining with other area historical groups, such as the United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC), to organize the annual Confederate Memorial Day observance at Jackson’s Greenwood Cemetery;  

"Walk of Remembrance" at Greenwood Cemetery, Confederate Section, Jackson, MS

Shown above is the "walk of remembrance" at Greenwood Cemetery, Confederate Section, Jackson, Mississippi

participation in the annual Division convention; supporting the Defend the Flag fund to defray costs associated with protecting the 1894 design State Flag of Mississippi; 

1894 design State Flag of Mississippi 

The 1894 design flag which was chosen by popular vote of the people of Mississippi on April 17, 2001, to be the official and legal State Flag of Mississippi.

and carrying the true history of the Confederacy and its cause to non-members via member proselytizing.  

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Other features:  Camp 635 is fortunate to have members which are notable individuals: (Click on picture to open a larger version)

Grady Howell is the author of two regimental histories, a collection of letters from a physician in the Mexican War, several booklets, and a four-volume roster of Mississippi Confederate soldiers.  Compatriot Howell has reindexed, re-edited and added to newly published edition of the Military History of Mississippi.  


Ron Stowers is Camp Adjutant (Treasurer), is a member of the Beauvoir Board, and has worked tirelessly in the fund-raising campaigns to save the battleflags in storage at the Mississippi Department of Archives and History.

Dan Duggan is a past Camp Commander who is well versed in a number of WBTS battles and presents programs frequently to Camp 635 and others.  He brings a regular feature of "this day in the WBTS" to camp meetings.

Wallace McMillan is a past Camp Commander and has worked diligently with the 11th Mississippi Memorial Foundation to get a new "high water mark" stone marker placed near Bryan's Barn on the field at Gettysburg to mark the advance of the 11th Mississippi on the third day's Pickett/Pettigrew charge.  A memorial statue was also placed.

Peter Miazza was Camp Commander for the 1999-2000 year.  He also works with the Greenwood Cemetery Association, providing a liaison  on matters affecting the Confederate section of the cemetery.  Peter also puts in a lot of hours helping maintain the cemetery, especially the Confederate Section.  At his own expense, he produces a well-designed printed meeting program for each camp meeting.

Bill Lee, Camp Commander for the 2000-2001 year, is also very interested in WBTS battles, especially those of the Vicksburg Campaign.

Ted Hartley, 1st Lt. Commander for the 2000-2001 year, is in advertising and helped provide the SCV with video and audio media spots in the campaign to keep the 1894 design state flag.


Quite a number of camp members have musical talents which they bring to meetings.  Joe Phil Tubb, Murry Stewart, and Rick Richardson (from left in thumbnails above)  perform most frequently and have been dubbed "the Dixie Hummingbirds" by Past Commander Lee.  Jerry "Banjo" Brooks (right) joins in occasionally.

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Camp Calendar  


Next Monthly Meeting:   August 26, 2024, at 6:00 pm.

Program to be presented by H. Grady Howell, Jr.



Masonic Lodge

7454 Old Canton Road

Madison, MS 39110





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Membership information

Individual membership in the Sons of Confederate Veterans is at the Camp level. The only exceptions are members who join by application to IHQ from areas where no camps exist; these members are classified as members of the "IHQ Camp." Each camp operates under its own by-laws which may be as definitive as the camp desires as long as no provisions conflict with rules established by the Division or IHQ. Generally camps meet once a month to conduct business and present programs on topics of the WBTS era. Camps also perform services such as marking graves of Confederate soldiers/veterans, cleaning neglected burial sites, presenting historical programs to schools and other groups, presenting living histories about both military and civilian life of the mid-1800s, conducting memorial ceremonies at Confederate burial sites, and conducting (sometimes jointly with unaffiliated organizations such as the United Daughters of the Confederacy) historical and/or memorial workshops, conferences, and banquets.

In short, it is at the camp level that the individual members perform those acts which are the basis for the organization:

the remembrance and veneration of those who fought for the Confederacy.

Do you qualify?
Membership in the Sons of Confederate Veterans is open to all male descendants of any veteran who served honorably in the Confederate armed forces. Membership can be obtained through either direct or collateral family lines and kinship to a veteran must be documented genealogically. The minimum age for membership is 12.

How do you find out if you qualify?
Proof of kinship to a Confederate soldier can take many forms. The easiest method is to contact the archives of the state from which the soldier joined the Confederate military or in which he lived at the time of the war and obtain a copy of the veteran's military service record. All Southern states' archives have microfilm records of the soldiers who fought from that state, and a copy of the information can usually be obtained for a nominal fee.  In some cases, you may need to visit the archives to search out the service record information yourself.  In addition to individual service records, archives will also likely have records on the pensions the former Confederate states awarded to veterans and their widows. All of these records contain a wealth of information that can be used to document military service.

You qualify, so how do you get an application?
The easiest way to get an application is to visit the main SCV web site.  A pdf version of the application is available here.  The application may be filled out online or the form may be saved to your computer to be printed and completed by hand later.  If you don’t wish to begin the application process this way, we recommend that prospective members attend a camp meeting at which time an application can be obtained or the information needed to send one can be given to the adjutant or another officer.  Attending a meeting provides the opportunity to meet face-to-face and resolve any questions about the organization that may remain.   If attending a meeting is not possible, an application can be sent to you by postal mail if you will provide your address to this site's webmaster either by e-mail or by letter to the camp adjutant at the following address:

Darin Pannell, Adjutant

Jefferson Davis Camp 635 - SCV

PO Box 2722

Ridgeland, MS 39158-2722


If you wish to contact the Adjutant by e-mail, send a message to .

If you wish to talk directly to a member before applying but cannot attend a meeting, contact this site's webmaster at (601) 573-6534.

What does membership cost?
Dues are $60.00 per year.  New members receive a suitable-for-framing membership certificate issued by IHQ.  Renewing members and transfers may obtain such a certificate by special order through the adjutant for an additional charge.  

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Links Page

always under construction -- please report broken links via e-mail


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Feel free to link to URLs which are provided. 

Please report broken links by e-mail to

          SCV related sites         

Sons of Confederate Veterans, IHQ

Beauvoir -- the Jefferson Davis Shrine and site of the Jefferson Davis Presidential Library

Mississippi Division SCV

Sam Davis Camp 596, Biloxi, MS

Gen. William Barksdale Camp 1220, Columbus, MS

General Nathan Bedford Forest Camp 1649, Meridian, MS

Lt. Gen. John C. Pemberton Camp 1354, Vicksburg, MS

BG Benjamin Humphreys Camp 1625, Indianola, MS

Lowry Rifles Camp 1740, Pearl/Brandon, MS

University Greys Camp 1803, Oxford

Jefferson Davis Camp 1862, Newton

Col. William P. Rogers Camp 321, Corinth, MS

Holt Collier Camp 2018, West Point, MS

Missouri Division SCV 

Sterling Price Camp 145, St. Louis, MO 

Os Confederados Camp 1653, Brazil, SA

Tod Carter Camp 854, Franklin, TN

Savage-Goodner Camp 1513 (Tennessee)  -- has SCV  & WBTS clipart available for download

Sam Davis Camp 1293, Brentwood, TN -- owns a memorial park at Franklin, TN

Since web sites are changed, deleted, or created too often for this webmaster to keep this page totally current, visit the IHQ site and use the web site links there if these don't work or you don't see the one you want.  Thanks.

MOS&B related sites



Historic Preservation


Civil War Preservation Trust


Confederate Unit related sites

1st Mississippi Infantry Regiment

4th Mississippi Cavalry

11th Mississippi Reenactors, Co. G


15th Mississippi Infantry, Co. K, Choctaw Grays


17th Mississippi Infantry Regiment

 19th Mississippi Infantry Regiment 

21st Mississippi Infantry (Photo Album)

21st Mississippi Infantry (Roster--incomplete)

26th Mississippi Infantry Regiment

33rd Mississippi Infantry Regiment (by Hall)

33rd Mississippi Infantry Regiment (by Godbold)

33rd Mississippi Infantry Regiment (by ?)

33rd Mississippi Infantry Regiment (History)

35th Mississippi Infantry Regiment

35th Mississippi Infantry Regiment, Co. B


38th Mississippi Infantry Regiment (Mounted) -- site no longer operative, reserving this slot for new home page link if one becomes available

46th Mississippi Infantry Regiment

19th Alabama (Reenactor site with history on Hood's Tennessee Campaign)

Anderson's Battery



Battle related sites

Springhill & Franklin (Tennessee)

Save the Franklin Battlefield

Carter House Museum (Franklin, TN)

The Downtown Franklin Association

Battle of Raymond (MS)

Battle of Shiloh (offering of video of the 140th anniversary reenactment) 

 State Message Boards

(Visit for links to state boards sponsored by others)

Alabama in the Civil War Message Board

Arkansas in the Civil War Message Board

Florida in the Civil War Message Board

Georgia in the Civil War Message Board

Kentucky in the Civil War Message Board

Louisiana in the Civil War Message Board

Mississippi in the Civil War Message Board

Missouri in the Civil War Message Board

South Carolina in the Civil War Message Board

Tennessee in the Civil War Message Board

Texas in the Civil War Message Board

Virginia in the Civil War Message Board

Special Interest Message Boards

(Visit for links to boards sponsored by others)

Arms and Equipment Message Board

CW Flags Message Board

Navy Message Board


Indian Territory in the Civil War (and Native-Americans in the Civil War) Message Board


Other WBTS related sites

Mississippi Civil War Information

Bobby Howery's Confederate Site -- Howery Family Ancestors in Confederate Service

Civil War Virtual Archive Ring

Documenting the American Civil War

Music of the Civil War

Poetry and Music of the American Civil War

The Papers of Jefferson Davis (Rice University)

Not working as of 14 August 2003, will leave until determine whether new URL is being used.

Friends of the Hunley

Poboy's Civil War

Robert E. Lee Papers at Washington & Lee University

Civil War Album -- Contains photos of Franklin, TN area including battlefield.

Civil War Clipart Gallery

Mississippi sites

Mississippi Dept. of Archives and History

State of Mississippi (main state site)


Southern sites 


(Internet link-to-news site with items primarily related to Southern heritage and culture)


Web site of K. Steven Monk

  Chickasaw Press -- Grady Howell's web site which includes info on all his books and their availability.

Personal web site of Jack Taylor, II, Adjutant, Sam R. Watkins Camp, Columbia, TN

Southern by the Grace of God (Web group for Southerners)

Personal web site

by SCV Life Member Robert Howery


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This page was last edited on 19 August 2024